Tara Palmer-Tomkinson's invisible sex

Tara Palmer-Tomkinson's invisible sexTara Palmer-Tomkinson wishes she was invisible - so she could sneakily have sex with someone "fabulous".

The British socialite insists she would use the special power for her own selfish satisfaction and romp with an unwitting partner.

The unlucky-in-love star told Heat magazine: "If I was invisible for a day I'd go and roger someone fabulous!

"Listen, if I want it I can get it. People say, 'Tara, you can get any man you want.' And it's true, I just can't keep them."

Tara has also revealed she constantly walks around naked, even in front of her assistants, because she is so comfortable being nude.

She added: "I'm naked all the time! In front of assistants and make-up artists, anyone. I don't have any problem being naked. God, I'm really boring, aren't I?"


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